Missed Your Targets? Time to Re-Ignite the Candle!

By Wr. Immaculate Ajiambo

Days are moving very fast that we are already in February. Indeed, time flies but that should not scare you.  If you achieved your set goals, kudos!  This article is for you. If you missed hitting on your goals, it’s fine! This article is yours.

Failure is running short of the goals you had set for something. Moreover, it can meet us in different aspects of our lives be it in academics, finances, relationships and spiritually. I know what failure can do to one. It can make you feel inadequate, depressed, lose confidence, run bankrupt and many other ill feelings. In short failure can bruise our egos.

However, the other side of the coin is promising; Failure is a feedback and a temporary defeat showing that the earlier laid out plans had a problem. Like Thomas Edison who tried 10,000 times to create the incandescent electric bulb in different ways possible. He kept the fire of determination burning within that his family and acquaintances thought he was going bonkers. When he was asked by one of his friends why he did not quit from his mission he replied “Every time it did not work I got a feedback on how to make it better.” Voila! At the end of the struggle he made it from wall of shame to the hall of fame.

Shouldn’t it be that every failure be a learning point? For example, I’m a writer who sets a publishing target of 10 articles. I only publish 7.Am I a failure because I made only 7? Mind you to get one article published I may have gone through 5 rounds of editing and rewriting. What was in each editing hour? Didn’t I learn something new in getting the 7 published? My point is that we ought to look for the good in everything that comes against our expectation.

In the spirit of persistence one is called upon to identify the adjustments needed, restructure sound plans, focus and swing the ball into action. At this point all doubts should be cleared and commitment adhered to. There is need for positive attitude and a mentor to walk with through the journey. Remember quitters are never winners and winners are never quitters. It is not late. Embrace the day and reach out for your goal.

Blessed month and week ahead.

Read other article by Wr. Immaculate on www.immajiambo.wordpress.com and contact her through: iajiambo1@gmail.com


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